The local church is the heartbeat of our movement. Through local churches all across our state communites are reached, the gospel is preached and people come to know the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
As a team we are here to partner with, resource and support new church plants and churches wishing to join the ACC.
When you partner with the Australian Christian Churches you become part of both a movement and a legal entity. The Bible governs us as a church and the relevant government Act governs us in our united constitution.
We have ACC national and state executives that operate both as church leaders and as a legal committee of management. Both aspects of our movement provide benefits for, and require responsibilities from, the local church.
As a movement we have a united purpose and a common doctrine. While our purpose and doctrine is fixed, our expression and style varies from church to church, which brings strength and diversity to the ACC. Along with a common purpose and doctrine we share common values which add to our culture. These core values enable a healthy long lasting fellowship to both exist and prosper. We value; our relationship with God, the priority of His Word, our Pentecostal expression, honour for all people and authorities, integrity in our actions, as well as our genuine fellowship of churches and ministers.
New churches need to hold to our common doctrine and values and work together toward our common purpose. We believe that our fellowship provides a healthy, productive place for pastors and churches to thrive in the plan and purpose of God. Our fellowship has a rich heritage, an active and vibrant ministry expression and an exciting, purposeful future.

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Matthew 16:18 NIV

If you would like more information on planting a church or joining the ACC, please contact us, we would love to chat no matter where you are in the journey.